For Sale (Auto Dealership Facility) | 5005 Park St, Jacksonville, FL 32205
For Sale:
- Dealership Business: $1,000,000
- Commercial Real Estate: $1,750,000
- River House (Optional): $1,250,000
This property is located at the intersection of Cassat Avenue and Park Street, at the North Gate of the Westside Automotive Corridor. FirstSun Auto Center (FAC) is a turn-key used car dealership with excellent historical sales volume. FAC is located approximately 1.5 miles from I-95 and 4.5 miles from the I-10 / I-95 interchange. Cassat Avenue is a major commercial and automotive corridor. The entrance to the FAC is at a four-way signalized intersection (Cassat & Park) which marks the start of several major car dealers. Major dealers include Chevrolet, Ford, Hyundai, Nissan, and multiple other use car dealers. The facility totals ±8,663 square foot total inclusive of a finance offices, service, and parts departments. The building construction is concrete, steel and modular metal construction. The site can park ±100 vehicles.
- ID: 2296
- Published: March 2, 2022
- Last Update: August 31, 2022
- Views: 597